Artenus 2D Framework
Artenus Reference


Provides a unified system to access services provided by different app-stores. These services include game services such as achievements and leaderboards, in-app billing, and multi-player gaming.

Interface Summary

AdPlacementListenerInterface for classes that listen to ad placement events.
GameServicesInterface for classes that provide game services, such as achievements and leaderboards.
InventoryListenerInterface for classes that listen to in-app billing events.
ProductReceiptRepresents a receipt for a purchased product.

Class Summary

AdLayoutProvides a view group for an ad-driven game.
AdManagerSuperclass of unified ad managers.
InventoryManagerSuperclass for all in-app billing managers.
ProductRepresents a product in an in-app billing system.
ProductListRepresents a group of products, accessible using their SKUs.
UnifiedServicesProvides store-specific game functionality in a unified way.

Enum Summary

AdManager.PlacementsAd placement and visibility options.
StoresApp-stores known by the framework.